Migration Guide

Moving from the v1.2 API should be fairly straightforward. Here are the highlights of what’s changed:

Renamed Objects


Old New
SKTiledObject TiledObjectType
SKTiledSceneDelegate TiledSceneDelegate
SKTiledSceneCameraDelegate TiledSceneCameraDelegate
SKTilemapDelegate TilemapDelegate

Properties & Methods

Old New
SKTilemap.size SKTilemap.mapSize
TiledLayerObject.size TiledLayerObject.mapSize
SKTilemap.getTileset(forTile:) SKTilemap.getTilesetFor(globalID:)
SKTilemap.coordinateAtMouseEvent(event:) SKTilemap.coordinateAtMouse(event:)
TiledLayerObject.coordinateAtMouseEvent(event:) TiledLayerObject.coordinateAtMouse(event:)
SKTiledObject.setValue(forKey:) TiledObjectType.setValue(for:)
SKTiledObject.removeProperty(forKey:) TiledObjectType.removeProperty(for:)
SKTileset.setDataTexture(_:imageNamed:) SKTileset.setDataTexture(tileID:imageNamed:)
SKTileset.setDataTexture(_:texture:) SKTileset.setDataTexture(tileID:texture:)
SKTileset.addTilesetTile(_:texture:) SKTileset.addTilesetTile(tileID:texture:)
SKTileset.addTilesetTile(_:source:) SKTileset.addTilesetTile(tileID:source:)
SKTileObject.setObjectAttributes SKTileObject.overrideObjectAttributes(attributes:)
TiledGlobals.debug TiledGlobals.debugDisplayOptions
DebugDrawOptions.drawBounds DebugDrawOptions.drawFrame

Type Changes

Property Old Type New Type
Global ID Int UInt32
Map Coordinates int2 simd_int2

Tile Flip Flags

Prior to v1.3, tile flip flags were stored in the SKTilesetData structure which actually served no purpose because a masked tile global id would have its orientation parsed when the tile is initially created.

Now, all SKTile nodes have a globalId property that handles id translation. The TileID struct wraps the global id & orientation functions and translates values accordingly:

// This tile has a global id value of '285' and no flip flags
print(tile.globalId, tile.flipFlags)
// 285 [  ]

// A masked(raw) value of 2684354845 translates to 285, flipped horizontally & diagonally
tile.globalId = 2684354845

// The unmasked, "real" global id is unchanged, only the orientation flags have changed:
print(tile.globalId, tile.flipFlags)
// 285 [ hFlip, dFlip ]

// get the masked value:
// 2684354845

Alternately, you can orient the tile by setting the SKTile.isFlippedHorizontally, SKTile.isFlippedVertically and SKTile.isFlippedDiagonally attributes:

// Reset the flip flags by assigning an empty value
tile.flipFlags = []
// []

// Set the tile flip flags manually
tile.isFlippedHorizontally = true
tile.isFlippedDiagonally = true
print(tile.globalId, tile.flipFlags)
// 285 [ hFlip, dFlip ]

// get the masked value:
// 2684354845

The v1.3 API now includes the following attributes for dealing with tile orientation & global id.

Property Description Notes
SKTile.globalId the tile global id value
SKTile.maskedTileId masked tile global id value get-only
SKTile.flipFlags current tile transformation flags
SKTile.isFlippedHorizontally tile is flipped horizontally
SKTile.isFlippedVertically tile is flipped vertically
SKTile.isFlippedDiagonally tile is flipped diagonally

See the Tile Flipping section of the Tiled documentation for more details.

Next: Scene Setup - Index