
public protocol SKTilemapDelegate : AnyObject


Methods that allow interaction with an SKTilemap object as it is being created to customize its properties.


Property Description
zDeltaForLayers Default z-distance between layers.

Instance Methods

Delegate callbacks are called asynchronously as the map is being read from disk and rendered:

Method Description
didBeginParsing Called when the tilemap is instantiated.
didAddTileset Called when a tileset is added to a map.
didAddLayer Called when a layer is added to a tilemap.
didReadMap Called when the tilemap is finished parsing.
didRenderMap Called when the tilemap layers are finished rendering.
didAddNavigationGraph Called when the a navigation graph is built for a layer.
objectForTileType Specify a custom tile object for use in tile layers.
objectForVectorType Specify a custom object for use in object groups.
objectForGraphType Specify a custom graph node object for use in navigation graphs.

Custom Objects

Custom object methods can be used to substitute your own objects for tiles:

func objectForTileType(named: String? = nil) -> SKTile.Type {
    if (named == "MyTile") {
       return MyTile.self
   return SKTile.self
